Gotta Have Something To Aim For

Without a goal I am a person wandering around aimlessly in the woods. As I mentioned, I’m a planner so I NEED goals – a path, direction, target – anything to help me get through this. I wrote out my crossfit goals – the things I didn’t want to lose that I’d worked so hard for. Things I wanted to try to maintain or maybe even make stronger, if I could, while I endure chemo.

My goals are to maintain the ability to do….

  1. a 2:30 min plank (30 sec center, 30 sec right, 30 sec center, 30 sec left, 30 sec center)
  2. a 30 second handstand hold against the wall (update: or 3×30 sec handstand via walking the wall)
  3. run for 1 mile – whatever time it takes (or alternatively row for aerobic workout)
  4. do 10 burpees in a row
  5. do 10 wallballs with a 6 lb wall ball
  6. 10 KB swings in a row with a 27 lb kettle bell

Some of these are seriously softball goals – easy things – perhaps I should add time limits, but then again, I’m only about to go for my second chemo treatment in a few days – so who knows – maybe this will become insanely hard after treatment number 3 or 4….. I can always add more to do…..

With these goals in mind I designed my Mash Up workout. My goal is to continue to do the above workout at the gym and other variations at home as necessary  – even if I go slower, taking longer breaks, doing only 3 reps a time – whatever it takes, just to get through it. I’ve been told I’ll likely lose weight during chemo – and I don’t have tons to lose. If I lose weight I’ll be losing muscle – not something I want to do but unfortunately, I don’t think I have much of a choice in this matter.  So, for now– I’m going to set these as my goals – my wishes and dreams to help keep me strong. Only time will tell if I’ll be able to keep making it to the gym during my course of treatment. For now, at least I have a plan of what I want to do and how I will stay strong. I’m a planner with a plan. Means I’m in control of what I can control.

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