Pill Popper – April 6, 2015 (Second post for this day…)

Another visit to the oncology nurses in the second week since my first chemo was administered. I think I’ve called them on average every 3 days with some other question or concern.  This has led to me visiting the hospital (oncology office) twice to have them check my blood counts and see me in person.  Given the situation, better to err on the side of caution on this one – the nurses and the doctors I’ve spoken to have all agreed and encouraged me to keep calling with my questions.

My questions center around me having a bit of a cold. One is not supposed to get sick while mid-chemo treatment plan.  My track record the winter of 2014-2015 has been my worst in all of my 40 years. I not only got the flu for the first time in my life for a week but I followed it up with full on pneumonia which knocked me out of work for the entire month of December.  Even after I recovered it seems I’ve had a runny nose almost constantly from there with perhaps a few days here or there that I was 100% sniffles-free.  So – asking me to be without-cold is logical but, likely not in the cards for me.

Either way, here I am – little, viral cold and all. At unscheduled visit post-call to the oncology nurses, my doctor put me on one antibiotic for 7 days. Then I had another strange, possible infection show up as well in my jaw (have I mentioned that I had 2 root canals on a Monday and Tuesday and on Thursday had my first chemo? Ah yes – another story for another day!).  Anyway – now, following my second, unscheduled visit post-call to the oncology nurses, my new, odd –possible infection has led me to start yet another antibiotic which would be suitable for THIS issue.  Pills, pills pills. And more pills. I’ve never had so many medications in my body in my life. So many drugs administered by IV and with the chemo and now so many pills for managing my body chemistry to keep me healthy and out of harm’s way. I feel like a druggie – pill popper; just wasn’t expecting it.  Oh well. It is what it has to be. These doctors know their stuff; I trust them.

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